
This December issue of the mid-Month Good eNews is brought to you live from my home office by way of a vLog message. I hope you enjoy it and when you’re done, scroll down to hear one of my favorite Christmas songs. I sang it for you! Sing along if you know it. I pray you and your family have a Merry CHRISTmas! May God’s Peace rest on you as we behold Jesus our King and as we adore Him, Christ the Lord…together!

As always…If you have a specific prayer request you’d like to me to pray, I’d be honored. Just reply to this email.


God bless you and Merry Christmas!


Suzanne Grimaud, Author

“He Reveals to Heal!”


HEALED BY THE WORD: A Fresh Monthly Word

“O Come All Ye Faithful” – A song from Suzanne!

Sing along & adore Christ the Lord with me!