

Once again, it is good to share a message of hope with you in this mid-month GOOD eNews to you. It is hard to believe this is our 17th month of sending encouragement in this format. I began a month after the release of the book, “Good Grief I’m Healed” and the YouVersion Bible plan by the same name. I want to take the opportunity to say thank you for you reading my eNewsletter, the Bible reading plan and/or my books, and for the positive feedback, for your support and for your prayers. You are loved and appreciated!


I have good news for you! If you desire to share your story of hope or encourage others, the Lord will give you the desire of your heart. My desire is to remain in communion and fellowship with Jesus. And because He has healed me from anxiety, fear, and deep grief, and because God healed my broken marriage and restored our family, my #1 priority is to share the hope that is within me. The Good News I share is in hope others will also receive salvation, inner healing and experience the power and freedom found in true forgiveness. I have discovered that because I’m prepared to say yes, very creative opportunities have been presenting themselves to me. When we give God our YES… He orchestrates things to give us an opportunity to prove we mean what we say. We then get to respond with our actions steps of faith!


It is always a good idea to follow Peter’s advice as found in 1 Peter 3:15,
“But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.
But do this with gentleness and respect.”


Set your priorities in order, be prepared in your hearts and take the opportunities to prove you mean what you say and then watch and see what the Lord will do with, in and through your life. You have something to offer others. Last week, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of business men and women and inspire them in their work BUT I was also given opportunity to inspire them with hope for their eternal future. I share the REASON I was able to forgive and now have celebrated 34 years of marriage. I’ve included the talk in this eNews because I believe there may be something for you too.


Talk by Suzanne Grimaud to the entrepreneur group, “Out of the Box”
OUTSiDE The Box with Suzanne Grimaud, Taking Every Opportunity


The short video below is of the now famous Kentucky Derby winning horse, Rich Strike. I reference it in my “Taking Every Opportunity” talk shown above. Theres a BACK STORY I share in my talk you’ll want to hear. I gravitated to this horse because we share something in common. Both Rich Strike and I have done something the “world” would say could not be done, or is not worth trying for. BUT….WE DID!!! And WE WON!!! Watch this bonus clip below and I encourage you to listen or watch the talk above.


What opportunities are you hoping for? Prioritize them, prepare for them, prove to yourself and others you mean what you say by the actions you take, and watch for opportunities the Lord will create for you to share the hope inside of you…everywhere you go, in everything you do, and in tandom with HIM as your companion & strength. He is for you!!!!


As always…If you have a specific prayer request you’d like to me to pray, I’d be honored. Just reply to this email.


God bless you!


Suzanne Grimaud, Author

“He Reveals to Heal!”


HEALED BY THE WORD: A Fresh Monthly Word


This is a poem I wrote and included in the forward of my book. It is the reason behind the hope I am compelled to share everywhere I go. It is why I keep my heart prepared and look for opportunities to speak, to write, to encourage and to let others know there is hope for God to heal their broken hearts, troubled minds, failing marriages and lost souls. I pray it inspires you to not give up. Call upon the Lord in your times of trouble and He will hear you and answer you. You can trust Him to be faithful!