

Have you ever had a recurring word, phrase or song take up residence in your thoughts, or as the saying goes, “live rent-free in your mind“? Lately, every time I turn around, either while reading the Word, hearing a song or sermon, watching a show, having a conversation with a friend or going through old papers…ONE MESSAGE keeps ringing in my ears. <Click to read the article>


So as I’ve been asking the Lord what Good News I am to share with you this month, I keep hearing Him say, “What have I been showing you? Share that!” So sit back and “sip the tea” as I pour out my thoughts and “spill the tea” of what I believe the Holy Spirit is wanting to communicate to the children of God. When He speaks, we should listen and learn; when He leads us, we should share it with others. That is how we minister to one another, love one another, care for the body & encourage each other as the day goes on, as instructed in the Word.

Proverbs 23:12 says, “Commit yourself to instruction; attune your ears to hear words of knowledge.” We get instruction from the Word of God as Holy Spirit interprets, teaches, reveals & brings new life to the eternal Word we are reading so tune in and listen closely.


Unlike the current translations the above tea catch phrases refer to of telling or hearing gossip, I am saying we should be ready to “show and share” all the great things God is doing and the great things of who He is. People want to know! People want to see and hear and they are wondering what is real, authentic and worth their pursuits. No matter what our circumstances…God is GOOD and He is worthy of our praise! By reading the Word, listening to the voice of Jesus through Holy Spirit, and allowing His thoughts to saturate and dwell in our hearts and minds, we remain ready to share His love to others and to also believe in His love for us personally. Our belief allows us to show it and spill Him. Let them sip in His goodness and see the light of Jesus shining through you today!


As we attempt to communicate (show and share) better with one another, I am reminded that what we think we are saying and what someone else is hearing may or may not be the same message. Our words have multiple meanings, especially if you live in America. We are surrounded by people of different cultures & languages and unusual “slang foreign languages” (ex: Gen Z talk), hence the “extra” I’m using in this eNews to make a point. Meanings of words and catch phrases change constantly & the use of technology to communicate often brings confusion to our babbling speech. No “cap” – am I right?


Our upbringing, beliefs and experiences cause a variety of conclusions, assumptions and interpretations when certain actions/words, phrases or lack of actions/words are heard. False beliefs, gossip or inner hurts we’ve hung on to, cause people to hear or assume the wrong message and they often share it with others, causing greater harm. And when we receive the wrong messages, internalize them, let them live rent-free in the mind and then act on it, we and others are negatively affected. A breakdown in communication has occurred and left you all “salty” or “shook” resulting in fear, anxiety, bitterness, anger and leaving you with bad “vibes.” This is when the enemy has a foothold and takes opportunity to lie or put a “cap” on it. We, by our agreement with it, allow a wall to go up, division to take place and future communication to end. BUT THERE IS A LANGUAGE THAT BREAKS DOWN WALLS, UNITES & COMPREHENDS. It allows restoration, healing and hope to arise. Read the article if you would like to learn to hear it, understand it, know it and share it. This is the MESSAGE God showed me and told me to share with “The Fam.” A fresh word from THE WORD! Click here or scroll to read it!


Meanwhile, when we are confused or tempted to be offended, let’s do what Stephen Covey teaches, to “Seek first to understand, then to be understood” which affirms the other person in what they have to say. And when in doubt, just ask the meanings instead of assuming them, have a good laugh, and be grateful to give grace as you have received it. After all, God’s grace is “bussin” (amazing) & that’s GOOD NEWS, my friend!


As always…If you have a specific prayer request you’d like to me to pray, I’d be honored. Just reply to this email.


God bless you!


Suzanne Grimaud, Author

“He Reveals to Heal!”


HEALED BY THE WORD: A Fresh Monthly Word



Wait…What did you say? The True “Back Story” Behind All the Confusion


Can you imagine, in one moment you are talking to your friends and family and then suddenly, you have absolutely no idea what they are saying or communicating and they no longer understand you either, forcing you to find your “new tribe” by listening to see who you can now converse with?


No wonder teens and parents have a hard time knowing how to relate to one another. Suddenly, as if overnight, the language and understanding has taken a turn. But that’s not the point of this particular message. “Squirrel


Do you know the story of how all the different languages came to be? Last week, while reading Acts 2, the Holy Spirit gave me deeper insight to WHY all the babbling speech and division were suddenly created. What was it they were saying and what was their motive that caused God to disperse them? How does it affect us today?


One Voice – One Faith – One Hope

One Baptism – One Language
One Holy Spirit – One Message!


Spoken in Different Languages, yet

Understood by All Who Hear!